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  • OneMike
    Jan 4, 09:59 AM
    bad decision. apps like motion gps I'd pay $0.99 for and use the maps over the air.

    If I'm going to pay $40 for a gps app it'd be cause I relied on it. Wouldn't chance having service.

    destination wedding invitations. Destination Wedding
  • Destination Wedding

  • ValSalva
    Jun 18, 08:08 PM
    So far other than the price all the news about the Mac Mini has been great.

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  • ct2k7
    May 2, 12:08 PM
    For every terrorist killed, 10 more are created.

    It's a vicious circle, or no virtue.

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  • Beach Wedding Invitations

  • JPyre
    Apr 12, 04:46 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Well people prefer to buy AT&T right now, hence out of stock and goin for much more on ebay, soo the stats are wrong...
    They obviously polled people in non-AT&T markets, who live in the mid-west, who wouldn't buy one anyway.


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  • bretm
    Apr 16, 03:04 PM
    Is it me or is Apple becoming a silly caricature of its own 1984 ad?

    Steve looks more and more like the guy on the screen every day!

    destination wedding invitations. Destination Wedding
  • Destination Wedding

  • freebooter
    Nov 14, 08:37 AM
    Great idea.


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  • lssmit02
    May 31, 11:52 PM
    This is a great widget, and itself justifies the upgrade to Tiger! BTW, I believe you can update any widget by selecting it, and then hitting command-R (just FYI for the summary in the first post).

    destination wedding invitations. tropical destination wedding
  • tropical destination wedding

  • gammamonk
    Nov 11, 09:26 PM
    初めましてパソコンです。 - Nice to meet you, I'm a PC (Personal Computer).

    初めましてMacです。   - Nice to meet you, I'm a Mac.

    ぅ? あなたもパソコンですよね。 - Eh? You're also a PC.

    うん、でも皆Macと呼んでるね。 - Yeah, but everybody calls me Mac.

    何かあなたと区別じゃないですか、友達みたいで。 - Is there anything to distinguish you from your friends? (Other computers)

    皆家で僕をPrivateに使うから親しみやすのかな。 - Everyone can use me privately in their home, so I'm very friendly.

    なるほど、私ビジネスくらい関係ばかりですから何か特別呼びなら欲しいです。 I see, since I do pretty much all business stuff, is there a name for me?

    仕事での付き合いがMainなら、ワークってどうかな。 Your association is mainly with work, how about we call you "Work."

    マックとワーク。。。マック!  Mac and Work... Mac!


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  • A wedding shower invitation

  • Big JW
    Oct 26, 10:14 PM
    Seriously, does anyone know how to use an email address that is not a address as the reply-to in .mac webmal?

    I only use the webmail at work, and at home Mac OS X Mail lets me use my "real" email address as the reply-to. I would love to know how to do it in webmail. An earlier poster said you can, but I just can't see how.

    Thanks for the help...

    destination wedding invitations. of my destination wedding
  • of my destination wedding

  • EJBasile
    Sep 14, 07:52 PM
    I think everyone has really covered the bases here.

    I've actually never had surgery.

    Just as the anesthesiologist to make sure he gives you enough anesthesia. There have been cases were patients are awake during the surgeries, but unable to move. It actually happens more than you would think its just that it usually for a very short period of time and you won't remember it if it does happen. Only in rare cases will you ever remember it. Some doctors do use brain activity monitors to make sure the patient isn't awake, but they are very expensive electronics.

    I'm sure that wasn't really helpful, DON'T worry about it though. It won't happen to you, and if it does, you'll never know it did.

    I wish you the best of luck in surgery. You'll do fine. If your really worried, do something you enjoy to get your mind off of it.


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  • thisisahughes
    Apr 1, 03:17 PM
    I was excited for this app. when I heard about it. The evening it was released it kept crashing. I gave up on it then; and the intro is a little much too. I'm deleting it. Thanks for letting me down again TWC.

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  • J@ffa
    Oct 25, 10:53 AM
    I'll be there, either at five-ish or four. Are there going to be more than five hundred people queuing before opening? Given the number of online orders, I don't know...

    Synchro, I was there too! Got there about 5:45am thanks to the reliability of this country's transport system when no-one's using it (:P) and the queue was mind-bogglingly huge then. I got a t-shirt then, though! :D

    I need to pick up not one, but two (honesty to the extreme) Leopard family packs � does anyone think Apple will take pity on me and give me two shirts (one for the person I'm buying a family pack for)?


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  • rhett7660
    May 2, 02:43 PM
    You mean this?

    Who gets this angry about computer platforms?


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  • cornfedgrowth
    Nov 14, 11:26 AM
    This is pretty sweet, and a good deal for apple, but i'd rather see airlines spend the money on putting standard outlets at each seat. Then i can charge my Macbook Pro, iPod, cellphone, camcorder or bring along a big firewire drive to get a start on my video editing with, ect. From the airlines point of view, i think it makes more sense to install something that most passengers would find useful instead of something that only Apple users find useful.

    If this does happen tho, good for apple.


    destination wedding invitations. a destination wedding,
  • a destination wedding,

  • 0815
    Apr 26, 06:40 AM
    All true... but what happens when you replace the hard drive? Willing to buy one from Apple with the OS preinstalled?

    Thats what the USB stick is for - you boot from it like you used to do from DVD and install - that simple.

    USB sticks are too expensive and take too much time to duplicate "en masse". DVDs are very cheaper and take few seconds to duplicate if even that since they are being pressed (not burned in the case of mass duplication). USB sticks are also more expensive.

    It doesn't make sense to go to a USB only distribution model, at least from a cost basis. As for Mac App Store... meh... why not do downloads outside of the Mac App Store, I don't want to use that POS. I've been installing OSes from HTTP and FTP since the mid-90s, no need for a "Mac App Store" to do it. What happens if I don't have a 10.6 or 10.7 installation going and just want to wipe the computer ? Linux has been doing network installs from nothing. Upon purchase, just provide a USB thumb-drive image I can put on any 1 GB thumb-drive to boot into the installer where I put in my purchase code or something. No need for the "Mac App Store".

    Funny how history repeats itself (or better the comments on current events) ... those are the same arguments that I heard when computer manufactures started to get rid of the Floppy drive: but CDs are so much more expensive, I can't get everything on CD, people don't know how to handle them, ....
    Also: don't compare the price of big read/writeable USB sticks in the store - with a fixed (read-only) image they can be mass produced fairly cheap - yes DVD might be a tiny bit cheaper for now - but there are other cost savings with the tiny USB sticks compared to the big DVD boxes (packaging, shipping, storage, .... and you save the money to put the DVD drive in the machine)
    Lets face it: the DVD is at the end of its life cycle, it was great for its time but now is the time to say good bye.

    At this point in time most non-enthusiasts are barely comfortable reinstalling an OS. They'd be totally lost if OS X wasn't on a disc. I'm sure Apple doesn't want to have to deal with all the extra support calls and will provide Lion on DVD for any Mac that has a SuperDrive. DVDs are on their way out but still have a lot of mainstream life in them.

    even non-enthusiasts manage to put a USB stick in the right slot. You know, even my father (who does not know anything about computers and sometimes scares me with his very naive computer questions) knows how to put his USB stick in the computer to copy some pictures to it. If he can handle to put a DVD in the drive to boot and reinstall, he can handle to put a USB stick in the right slot to boot and reinstall.

    We are still in a transition period. There is zero reason to think 10.7 won't come on DVD. Not everyone -- actually most -- people in the U.S. do not have high speed broadband (4 Mbps or faster) service either because of cost or availability [stats here for the non-believers:,3343,en_2649_34225_38690102_1_1_1_1,00.html] . It would be suicidal for Apple to ship a multi-GB OS only via download. Especially Apple home users, who bought into Apple because of it's ease of use, are not going to sit for hours as their new shiny OS downloads, then sit for another 15-30 min as it installs.

    Why? You don't need high speed internet to put a USB stick in your computer, no need to wait for hours, just plug it in and be happy.

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  • redeye be
    Jul 14, 03:44 AM
    I've got a question and I didn't really want to start a new topic for it. I got folding going an here (using terminal) and it's been going for a few days. I downloaded the folding tracker widget and clicked the icon on the back and it still wont recognize by user name on the site (it doesn't find any users) and I looked in terminal and I found my ID number and put that into the widget and it doesn't get any info from it. How long does it take for the site to recognize new accounts? And why the heck after like three days can I not get any info on it? I'm getting annoyed I wanna see my stats.
    What's your username, ID number?
    If your stats are on the EOC site, the widget will show them.


    destination wedding invitations. Destination wedding invitation
  • Destination wedding invitation

  • Imbalance
    Oct 26, 09:57 AM
    I think it closes at 4pm, I'm here now and it's still fairly busy. Just being told to leave!


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  • Beach, destination wedding

  • z3cko
    Apr 29, 03:57 AM
    I am not sure if this information is completely accurate. While there is the site, which displays "Media: DVD"

    there is also the amazon US product site, which clearly states "Media: Software".

    On it does not even show up in the search results.

    While I personally think that OSX 10.7 Lion will be made available via DVD, I also think there will be USB-Stick versions. I cannot think of a way that Lion will be made availabe via app store, this makes no sense - maybe they will sell just the update from SL to Lion via the appstore, but definitely not the retail versions.

    destination wedding invitations. a destination wedding,
  • a destination wedding,

  • Ralion
    Mar 24, 04:08 PM
    Just got back to the shop with my 16GB ipad ;) too good of a deal to pass up. FYI if you want one call a verizon store NOW. I doubt most stores will last the day

    Jan 4, 05:17 PM
    I'm sure that this works for a lot of people, but not me.

    I travel frequently in the Adirondacks where there NO AT&T service, not even Edge. The whole concept of the ADK region is for it to remain pristine forest and mountain, unspoiled by cell towers. That concept isn't going to change without a NYS Constitutional Amendment, and that is not going to happen in our lifetime.

    I think the whole point of having GPS on the iPhone is to be able to get maps as needed. Garmin is missed the boat.

    Nov 11, 05:11 AM
    American Camera? Err.... I don't know any American brand that makes cameras... :rolleyes:


    Apr 5, 10:16 AM
    I have used a Moto Xoom. Honeycomb requires you learn a new user interface. Instead of a nice seamless experience where you can get right in to using apps, you have to learn about the literally 3 or 4 different ways to trigger, dismiss, and access apps. If they're utilities, they're accessed one way. If they're apps, you've got an app menu and a desktop-style metaphor to try-- either works. It's confusing as hell. I mean, you can LEARN anything, but why would you want to.

    Bottom line-- a Xoom is $800, it's far less functional, and it's far more confusing to use.

    imo, if you've used any type of gadget before.. it's pretty easy to learn honeycomb within 5 mins of using it. hell i find it easier to use than a vcr. i think that some apple users, and i'm not saying you specifically, are just so used to ios or osx, that in a way.. before even trying out a new device.. they already pre judge it or are even biased.

    i don't agree with your statement about the desire to learn new things also.. a lot of people love gaining new knowledge. why would you limit yourself like that? just years ago, i knew most things about how to efficiently use windows os, but my curiosity to learn osx made me a mbp owner.. you learn that some things have their purposes and usefulness.

    Sep 25, 11:16 AM
    Looks like an excellent update. By the looks of things they've reduced the system requirements, which may mean it will be less of a resource hog.

    The MacBook is now officially supported, along with older PowerPC models too.

    Kudos to Apple for making it a free update, although there'd have justifiably been an outcry if it wasn't.

    Edit: RAW support updates also point to OS X 10.4.8 being released this week too (as per previous poster's observation).

    Oct 11, 10:02 AM

    I loved the game, but hated the ol' built to take your money mentality of some of the boss battles.

    Like The Simpsons game before it.


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