Lot Less Closeouts

Lot Less Closeouts. for a lot less.
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  • FreeState
    Mar 27, 10:09 PM
    Dr. Spitzer is an intelligent, nonreligious psychiatrist who believes that some can change their sexual orientations.

    Spitzer says it's very rare and FOF are misquoting him and missusing his study.


    Dr. Robert Spitzer Speaks Out Against Abuses of His Study
    When Dr. Robert Spitzer�s study of 200 gay men and women who reported a change in their sexual orientation appeared in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in anti-gay lobbyist seized on it as proof that homosexuality was, at its core, a choice that could be changed. But as Dr. Spitzer has said repeatedly, any appears to be exceptionally rare. Just last Monday The New York Times quotated him as saying:

    �Although I suspect change occurs, I suspect it�s very rare,� he said. �Is it 1 percent, 2 percent? I don�t think it�s 10 percent.�

    Dr. Spitzer consistently warned that his study should not be used as a part of political efforts to denying gays and lesbians, a warning which Focus on the Family, NARTH and Exodus have ignored with abandon. Now Truth Wins Out has released a video in which Dr. Spitzer registers his disappointment in no uncertain terms:


    � of course, they (Focus on the Family) were delighted with that study. What they fail to mention � and it�s not, I guess, a big surprise � is that in the discussion I noted that it was so hard for me to find 200 subjects to participate in the study that I have to conclude that, although change is possible and does occur, it�s probably quite rare. And of course, they don�t want to mention that.�

    (Out of) Focus on the Family

    This video comes out at a time when we noticed PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-gays and Gays) revamping their website and pulling one of Dr. Spitzer�s statements out of context, this time in an embedded video that rudely plays automatically as soon as the page is loaded. Maybe this is the Focus on the Family video that Dr. Spitzer mentions and is so unhappy with.


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  • awmazz
    Mar 12, 04:16 AM
    Why is this Chernobyl?

    What are the similarities?

    What are the differences?

    What's your background?

    Do you understand why Chernobyl is uninhabitable for several hundred years, while Hiroshima and Nagasaki are thriving, gorgeous cities?

    Did you freak out at the "1000x" radiation levels too, like the rest of the western media did who didn't have the remotest clue that it was still magnitudes below the hazardous level? You certainly buy into the "Huge Explosion!!!" headlines, as evidenced by your post, so it's hard to take anything you say seriously.

    It's a serious situation, but you are panicking a little too much, with next to zero information.

    And inversely, you're way too calm with zero information. Or too trusting. I'll tell you exactly what the similarity is with Chernobyl. Being told by 'experts' that it's safe, nothing to worry about.

    History says I'll turn out to be right and you wrong.

    So if I'm a fool by buying into the 'huge explosion' headline and footage, what are you? Denying there was any explosion at all? This goes back to my first point, I see a huge explosion at a nuclear power plant with my own eyes on my TV screen and the steel skeleton of the girders all that's remaining of the building, and yet here you are an 'expert' claiming there's no problem because I have zero information? WTF?

    Hey, I've been hanging out on the forum for the iPad. But frankly i'm a little confused right now about what i just saw. From appearances (I mean appearances), the nuke plant in Japan BLEW UP, and they are lying about it if they say it's a minor issue. I don't want to believe this . You can see it with your own eyes, but i'm not sure exactly what i'm seeing. Certainly it isn't a small explosion.

    Until I know what's really happening I'm officially, totally, freaked out......Any takers? :D

    Building #4 is apparently totally destroyed by the looks of it, just the skeletal steel structure left standing. Some reports are saying it was just some hydrogen tanks which exploded. The question then is why did any hydrogen tanks explode at all? Because they were depressed and suicidal? Or because some really bad sh** going down in a freaking nuclear power plant made them explode? But according to puma1552 it's nothing to worry about and don't believe your lying eyes because you don't know what rad levels are.. ;)


    Lot Less Closeouts. Lot Less Closeouts
  • Lot Less Closeouts

  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 24, 11:15 AM
    ..... If he does exist one must assume that he intends the Bible to be read literally. If he didn't then why did he go through the whole bother of having it written by the disciples in the first place if people were just going to change and reinterpret it willy nilly based on whatever the current political or social ideals of the time are?

    not at all......God is perfectly aware that people make mistakes. Indeed, they can't be trusted to get anything perfectly right, so if God wanted the Bible to have been taken literally, he have written it out himself and wouldn't have involved people in the project in the first place

    Lot Less Closeouts. But a lot less pricey.
  • But a lot less pricey.

  • CaoCao
    Mar 24, 11:01 PM
    Perhaps I missed something but these all appear to be acts of violence against homosexuals. Don't get me wrong, they are horrible acts but I believe that CaoCao specifically stated acts motivated by mainstream Catholicism.

    exactly, subtract the gangs, the mentally unstable, the non-Catholics and the inconclusively because the victim was homosexual and see where we are


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  • for a lot less.

  • pmz
    Mar 18, 09:27 AM
    Go look up the words: entitlement, spoiled, ignorance and unfounded :)

    What the hell is your problem? AT&T has broken the law. Are you content with that?

    Do you think it's appropriate for any company to sell an unlimited service, and make every attempt possible to limit it?


    Lot Less Closeouts. has a lot less volume.
  • has a lot less volume.

  • dmw007
    Jul 11, 10:57 PM
    The Mac Pros are going to receive Woodcrest processors. :)

    My credit card is ready!
    My credit card is ready and I have the green light to buy...muahaha...time to finally replace my 400MHz G4 Sawtooth Tower...

    Same here, I am ready to buy a Mac Pro. :)


    Lot Less Closeouts. lot less than others do.
  • lot less than others do.

  • arkitect
    Mar 27, 04:45 PM
    That's your favorite question, isn't it, EH? ;) I'll look for a bibliography.

    It may be his favourite question, but very valid.

    From what I have seen you'll come up with a list of (self?)published books… Not quite the same thing as "published anything in a peer-reviewed scientific journal of high (or even average) standing".


    Lot Less Closeouts. for a lot less money.
  • for a lot less money.

  • RedTomato
    Mar 15, 06:17 PM
    Continuous live timestamped text based updates:

    (may be a different link tomorrow, but check on the front page for the current link to live updates)

    (link changes each day, check on front page for the current day's link)

    BBC is slightly slower but more accurate (but they beat the Guardian when announcing the 4th explosion).


    Lot Less Closeouts. for a whole lot less.
  • for a whole lot less.

  • Moyank24
    Mar 26, 11:20 AM
    I'm not condoning the belief but priests are expected to do it, so why not gay people? Logically I imagine from a Catholic perspective it makes sense. My sister and brother in law both being Catholic gives me a bit of an insight into this topic and both are rather progressive.

    Priests make the choice to do it. Why should gay people be expected to do it? To make everyone else feel better about it? Why shouldn't heterosexuals abstain then?


    Lot Less Closeouts. spending a lot less time
  • spending a lot less time

  • nagromme
    Mar 18, 12:54 PM
    Anyway, I've never been one to agree with the Windows people that argue the security-by-obscurity for why Mac OS X is not hacked to bits like Windows, but it would seem that this adds aome serious fire to their arguement.

    Obscurity IS a factor that helps Mac users. The point is that good, secure design is ALSO a factor. But DRM file distribution doesn't relate to OS security/privacy anyway.

    Anyway... you still have to BUY the song to use this hack.


    Lot Less Closeouts. At least it crocked a lot less
  • At least it crocked a lot less

  • crazytom
    Mar 19, 10:33 PM
    Why I don't like copy protection: I would prefer to use the music I purchase in whatever way I want. For those of you who say "If you don't like the scheme, don't buy it" --- I agree, I haven't purchased a single song from iTMS. It's overpriced, second rate quality, and rounded out with restrictions. I'm saying F U to the RIAA. I don't have anything against the artists, but it's a shame they won't ever get my appreciation ($$$) for their creativity and hard work (it's criminal, I tell you...).

    DRM only protects the already well-to-do artists. It's like they have a bucket full of money and they want to keep ANY of it from leaking over the edge...it sure sounds like greed....say, isn't that one of the seven deadly sins? Oh...I'm sorry, maybe that's sounding too 'Robin Hood-ish'. :rolleyes:

    Recording engineer Steve Albini spoke a community college and was asked what he thought about sharing music. His response was that it was a great idea; his band got more exposure to a greater number of people because of music sharing. Hmmm....that coming from someone who recorded Nirvana, Cheap Trick, Jesus Lizard, Bush.....

    Now, if the RIAA would sell me a piece of music that I could sell back to them (at a discount, of course) because I realized what a piece of crap it was after listening to it 5 times, then we'd be in business!!! Wait...that sounds ~a little~ like Napster's deal (except for the selling it back)...too bad it's PC only. :(

    And, I'd just like to say: "Way to go DVD Jon!!! Keep up the good work!!!"

    Uh, wait....

    From the iTMS TOS:

    You agree that you will not attempt to, or encourage or assist any other person to, circumvent or modify any security technology or software that is part of the Service or used to administer the Usage Rules.

    Oh, crap. Now I'm screwed. I'm a criminal. Canada here I come. :p


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  • Lot-Less Closeout | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

  • NathanMuir
    Apr 24, 11:49 AM
    I figured I'd use this wonderful Easter Sunday (a day spent celebrating the beginning of Spring and absolutely nothing else), to pose a question that I have.... What's the deal with religious people? After many a spirited thread about religion, I still can't wrap my head around what keeps people in the faith nowadays. I'm not talking about those people in third world nations, who have lived their entire lives under religion and know of nothing else. I'm talking about your Americans (North and South), your Europeans, the people who have access to any information they want to get (and some they don't) who should know better by now. And yet, in thread after thread, these people still swear that their way is the only way. No matter what logic you use, they can twist the words from their holy books and change the meaning of things to, in their minds, completely back up their point of view. Is it stubbornness, the inability to admit that you were wrong about something so important for so long? Is it fear? If I admit this is BS, I go to hell? Simple ignorance? Please remember, I'm not talking about just believing in a higher power, I mean those who believe in religion, Jews, Christian, etc.

    If you strike a bias and confrontational tone, you get one in return. ;)

    And people wonder why PRSI conversations revolve in endless circles, rehashing the same tired subject matter...

    Lot Less Closeouts. with a lot less features?
  • with a lot less features?

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 21, 10:34 AM
    Contrary to what many people are saying here, I don't think PVR is Apple's stratedgy. PVR woud have to be based on a subscription model, and Apple has shown us for years now that it won't have it that way.
    Windows Media Center does not have a subscription model - the channel guide is free.

    All you have to do is enter your zip code and cable provider when you set it up.

    Lot Less Closeouts. it will be a lot less of a
  • it will be a lot less of a

  • Huntn
    Mar 15, 08:20 PM
    Once again my mind has been boggled on the Rachel Maddow show. Tonight she is talking about the problems at shutdown Japanese reactors, reactors that I think were shutdown before the earthquake, not problems with the reactors themselves, but problems with the HUGE POOLS of spent fuel rods, with accumulations of fuel rods in far larger amounts than what is found in an individual reactor. According to her, they need to be cooled for up to ten years before they can be put into dry storage. Having lost their cooling water they could be more dangerous than a reactor cause of the quantity of rods and they are heating up and causing explosions potentially releasing radioactive particles into the environment.

    Based on what I said in post #193. Nuclear Reactors can never be truly shutdown. *Without* a continuous flow of cooling water they become dangerous and self destructive very quickly. See this link: The Bane of Nuclear Power- Waste Storage (http://library.thinkquest.org/17940/texts/nuclear_waste_storage/nuclear_waste_storage.html).


    Lot Less Closeouts. were a lot less gentle and
  • were a lot less gentle and

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 26, 12:32 PM
    Christianity, especially Catholicism has it's own colorful (blood red) history.

    As I said elsewhere there is no moral equivalence. It took Augustine's and Aquinas' great rambling treatises to justify warfare, for instance.

    In the Qur'an and the Hadith war is encouraged and its virtues extolled.

    I wish people would stop trying to equate the wars of Christianity (and of that mainly Western Christianity) with Islam's modern terrorism and calls for warfare against the infidel.

    In Islamic Law non-muslims are considered najiss, that means ritually impure, down to our souls, our essences. Christians are reviled especially because they practice "shirk", a law forbidding the joining of others to allah. Jews are designated as apes and pigs in the Qur'an.

    there is no equivalence between Islam and Christianity.

    Lot Less Closeouts. They#39;re also a lot less likely
  • They#39;re also a lot less likely

  • 68164
    Sep 25, 12:37 AM
    After viewing the ShowTime presentation, it is clear as clear can be that iTV will require either a Mac or PC to function - the whole focus of Steve's talk and demo on iTV was about how to get the stuff from your computer to your TV.

    Of course the practicalities of doing that in a seamless interface for the consumer will undoubtly involve some form of buffering by the iTV unit - leading bob to talk about 'storage' i believe.

    I'm already running a mac mini hooked up to my Sharp LCD TV - I really enjoy being able to sit on the couch with my bluetooth mouse and surf the net, surf google earth, check my widgets and watch TV with eyeTv - all on the big screen - so I probably won't get too excited about iTV intially - then again, if iTV could pull your desktop through to the TV and had a bluetooth receiver so your bluetooth mouse and keyboard could remotely control the desktop...that would be awesome...and I'd be turfing the mac mini and twin eyeTVs to the spare room and sliding the compact iTV under the Sharp without a moments hesitation.

    I'm sure Apple's got some more surprises to pull out of the bag...can't wait for MWSF keynote!

    Lot Less Closeouts. Fly Local for a Lot Less
  • Fly Local for a Lot Less

  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 12:22 PM
    You could also man up and admit that at the heart of your argument - you don't like that you signed a contract that up until now - was just fine and dandy. Now that ATT wants to actually hold you and others responsible for an element of that contract that you think you are entitled to - you want to cry "illegal."

    Good luck. ATT would be better off losing you as a customer rather than dealing with the, no doubt, obnoxious posts and calls into CSRs you will no doubt make.

    Lot Less Closeouts. hell of a lot less money.
  • hell of a lot less money.

  • �algiris
    May 2, 09:15 AM
    Bigger, most Windows PC have anti-virus, can you say the same for Macs?

    One thing Macs need anti-virus is to scan mails for Windows viruses, so that those doesn't to you PC. That is all.

    Lot Less Closeouts. handbag for a lot less,
  • handbag for a lot less,

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 07:33 PM
    In all probability made much worse by listening to people like you sermonising them with absolutely unfounded and hateful rubbish for the good of their benighted souls.
    If I've harmed anyone in anyone in any way, I want to hear about that from the harmed ones. Everyone here is welcome to his opinion about me. If anyone here hates me, he's welcome to say so publicly or privately. But I think I'm the only one here who knows whether I hate anyone. We're strangers to one another.


    Mar 27, 11:22 PM
    I can only imagine what the people you know felt conflicted about. I hope that they can find themselves in a place where they will be accepted for what they are, and not what those around them think they should be. Am I wrong to think that if you know these people, their homosexuality wasn't readily accepted by those around them? Of course they would be conflicted. Nobody wants to be hated.

    I'm sure many rejected my two friends because of their homosexuality. If anyone has deliberately caused them any pain because of their homosexuality, the guilty one should make amends for the harm he did. If anyone attacks my friends verbally when I'm with them, I'll be the first to defend them, too.

    MH, please try to give others the benefit of the doubt when they seem to hate you. I can imagine the pain a same-sex-attracted person may feel when a Christians say, "Hate the sin, and love the sinner." Some might think, "Oh no, what will these people do because they 'hate the sin?' Will they keep telling me that I'll go to hell? Maybe they'll beat me up to punish me for my 'sin?'" The pain and the fear must be horrible."

    I can hardly tell you how much emotional pain I felt after what some people did to me verbally and physically. I know how it feels when others assume that, since I'm handicapped, I'm mentally retarded, too. I've been in restaurants, where waitresses asked my dinner companion what I wanted because they thought I couldn't order my own food. I even think a male acquaintance of mine sexually abused me when I was a teen.

    Emotional pain is nothing new to me. In 1991, when my clinical depression was severest, I almost committed suicide. I don't even pretend to know what emotional agony you feel or felt. But I do know how a felt when I planned to poison myself.

    I don't hate you. I'd be honored to be your friend. But if you think I do hate you, I hope you'll change your mind.

    How interesting. You expect others to consider your feelings, while denying them the same courtesy. Wow.

    People like you Bill, are the reason I attempted suicide at 19 (I'm 43 now). I didn't attempt it because I was gay. I attempted because I was afraid that if anyone knew, I would lose everything- family, friends etc. Like it or not, the things you say convey that kind of thing to young people. It works both ways. You get what you give. You might want to think about what you're giving right now. Like it or not, you're causing harm. No one would sit here and tell you not to be handicapped.


    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 02:04 PM
    You agree with a mangled, meaningless phrase of dog Latin? Mirabile dictu.
    Ciaociao's Latin expression wasn't a phrase. It was a complete sentence that meant, "This is a sign of contradiction, brother." In the Bible "a sign of contradiction" means "someone to oppose" or "something to oppose." Our Lord was a sign of contradiction because his enemies opposed him.


    Jul 12, 08:58 AM
    Oh yeah, these babies will fly. Looking to replace my 2004 PowerMac G5 Dual 2.5

    Bring it on :D


    Bill McEnaney
    Apr 24, 11:30 PM
    Well, only if you insist that yours is the ONLY What about the denominations that say "Here's what WE believe, but if someone believes something else, that's fine?"
    That depends on what "that's fine" means. I don't want to coerce anyone into believing what I believe. Others are welcome to argue for what they believe when they agree with me and when they disagree with me. If you know that I'm mistaken about something, I you to show me that I'm mistaken about it because after you do that, I'll replace my false belief with the corresponding truth that you proved. But if "that's fine" implies relativism about truth, that implication is not fine, because relativism about truth, or at least some versions of it, are self-contradictory and every self-contradiction is always false.

    Many atheists deny that God exists. Maybe they're right, but their denial implies that theism is either true or else false. If those atheists say that theism is nonsense, what do they mean by "nonsense?" If they mean that theism is neither true nor false, then they imply their denial is neither true nor false, since theism is the belief that at least one God exists, and "There is no God" is the denial of theism. By the law of the excluded middle, every proposition is either true or false, but not both.

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 07:18 PM
    I think it's pretty safe to say that Nicolosi is anti-gay.
    What does "anti-gay" mean? Is it a vague synonym for "homophobic?"

    But I do think there is a place in this world for therapists to work with people who feel conflicted with their sexual orientation. Heck, we accept that people can change gender ... why not sexual preference as well? In either case it's important that this would come from the patient's desire to change and not from the therapists desire to change them.
    I agree: There's a place for that kind of therapy. I even know people who felt conflicted about their sexual orientation. Unfortunately, the conflict caused them some of the severest emotional pain I could imagine.


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