Lairs Of Romulus

Lairs Of Romulus. a window on Romulus.
  • a window on Romulus.

  • CaoCao
    Feb 28, 07:35 PM
    No, you are absolutely wrong., They can get married like any other couple where the laws allow. Marriage is not a special preserve of any religion. You cannot just commandeer it.

    Who cares what Catholic dogma claims? It's an irrelevance.

    So what is the problem? Are you against variation?

    No, not proof
    They still can not have valid sacramental marriage

    Fornication doesn't matter if the person doesn't care about the religious connotations of marriage

    Greek culture also endorsed pederasty!
    I wasn't around in the 1970's, but I'm pretty sure that pedophilia wasn't normal then.
    Some of this may be media frenzy, but if even one child rapist is hidden by the Catholic Church, it doesn't reflect well on them.
    You do realize that the Church did what doctors said to right? They followed the medical professional advice that after treatment they were harmless and could go back.

    Now priests can't even defend themselves, now it is guilty until proven innocent, also you don't get a trial to prove the innocence!

    Lairs Of Romulus. suckles Romulus and Remus.
  • suckles Romulus and Remus.

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 26, 07:58 AM
    2) $129 is too much. This one cracks me up. Apple is bundling a $500 product into the OS (and other OS based servers are far more expensive) and people think $129 is too much?

    Apple is bundling a bunch of GUI management tools, akin to Webmin. Was that worth 500$ before ? Nope. Is it more expensive elsewhere ? No. Let's face it, OS X Server was always a toy Unix compared to other big-Iron Unix systems and even to Linux as far as enterprise support goes. Volume management, hello Cupertino ?

    Their old archaic way of managing storage is atrocious and no, I don't necessarily want to hook up with a huge array and run Xsan, I just want to intelligently manage my local storage. No, just RAID1 volumes is not enough, I want my volumes logical and independant of my physical volumes. I want to be able to move logical extents to new physical extents without having to take down anything on the box.

    And what about those GUI tools ? I can't even just do X11 tunneling over SSH to my desktop to run them, I have either run their Remote Desktop stuff or use a 3rd party solution like VNC... What good are they ? At least make them web based (HP Systems Management Homepage type stuff) and join in to what the rest of the industry got clued into years ago if you don't want to code GUI stuff over X11.

    And other OS based servers are not more expensive. Solaris is free ( I won't even bother linking to all the free distributions of Linux that are ready for the server (Fedora, OpenSuSE, Arch, Ubuntu). The BSDs. Unix server product vendors make their money off of support contracts, not the actual software itself, an arena Apple obviously wants no part of.

    All the bits and pieces of server software is mostly re-packaged open source components nowadays anyhow. Most every vendor out there is using Apache and Tomcat in their web-based products, Postfix on the mail side, I've seen a lot of MySQL and PostgreSQL based products (HP uses both, MySQL I've seen in their Output Manager product, PostgreSQL in their System Fault Management, Symantec uses MySQL for Brightmail), and let's not even get into OpenSSL and OpenSSH...

    Heck, even Apple does this. OS X server is just a bunch of open source components packaged up together. Apache, OpenLDAP, OpenSSH, ClamAV...

    So please, pretty please, with a cherry on top, let's not call OS X Server something worth 500$ and compare it to "others that are more expensive but in actuality are free to download and run and only expensive to get vendor support for".

    This rant was longer than it should have been. I love OS X as a desktop OS. I'd pay 129$ for a Lion upgrade with my eyes closed. Best of both worlds. Unix underpinnings and powerful command-line (everything is there!) with integration for all my server products yet fast and easy to setup GUI that is mostly consistent so as to attract a large user base that makes it a good proposition for commercial software vendors to port their packages to. Apple just never got really serious about the server side of it (and lets face it, it's not their business and they obviously want no part of the entreprise market) and I'm not faulting them for that. Let's not be as disingenious as to claim their selling you a 500$ product for 129$ though.

    I'm shocked at how many people are so willing to just wave away all the nice under-the-hood changes and improvements that Snow Leopard offers just because there aren't any super-radical UI changes... really disappointing to be honest. Does it really have to be all flashy to be of interest to you? What, the functional side of things doesn't matter any more?

    See how this little change in your comment still makes it apply very much to the MacRumors crowd ? ;) The fact is, you're not really dealing with technical people on MacRumors, no matter how much some of them pretend they are. Heck, some of them still believe that HTML is a programming language and that they are web developers because their tools of choice are PhotoShop and Dreamweaver.

    Lairs Of Romulus. quot;Romulusquot; is tentatively due
  • quot;Romulusquot; is tentatively due

  • atari1356
    Jul 27, 09:51 AM
    Yes. I believe people who have gotten their hands on Core 2 Duo beta chips have put them in their mini's with no difference (except a massive speed boost)

    It's no problem in the Mini's, however, in both the MacBook and MacBook Pro the chips are soldered onto the logic board... so they're not upgradeable.

    (although I expect some company like Daystar will eventually offer a "mail your computer in and we'll upgrade the processor" service like they do the PowerBook G4's)

    Lairs Of Romulus. Romulus (top) and Brass Lion
  • Romulus (top) and Brass Lion

  • Eidorian
    Aug 27, 07:57 AM
    Conroe power consumption (

    I also remember another link where it shows the CPU temperature at 100% load being 50� C. (More then likely with a stock heat sink, fan, and in a BTX case.)

    I remember my iMac G5 Rev. B hitting 75� C at 100% load. So there's some room for more heat. I don't know if it'll be as quiet though compared to Yonah.

    Lairs Of Romulus. the infant Romulus,
  • the infant Romulus,

  • briansolomon
    Jul 14, 05:26 PM
    It's about time. For a company that prides itself on innovations, features, and ease of use this is something that should not just be coming to fruition now...and should have never been eliminated from the G5 during the change from G4 <<<weird wording but I think you all will get the idea

    Lairs Of Romulus. myth of Romulus and Remus,
  • myth of Romulus and Remus,

  • Digital Skunk
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    'nuff said (

    Unfortunately you're so very right. Until it's in the hand and on the shelves it's vaporware.

    And, like I've said many a times to everyone that brings this topic up:

    Apple will be king until we see some viable apps that people flock to. The iOS environment is just too good.

    Spoken from an Android fan here folks.

    Lairs Of Romulus. Romulus Black - age 42
  • Romulus Black - age 42

  • littleman23408
    Dec 2, 03:03 PM
    They kind of cant do more detailed damage to standard cars. Premium cars are modeled exactly right their real counterpart. Each body part is completely separate from the rest and can be torn off in a collision. Standard cars are one big mesh that can be dented, but not broken apart. In order to give the same level of damage to a standard car they'd have to update it to a premium model.
    I've heard/read chatter that some patches will update some standard cars to premium, but i dont think i've seen anything official yet. Kaz is way too ambitious and had to cut a lot out of the game already. I expect he'll add it in as time goes on, as patches and not paid DLC.

    Ah! I didn't realize that. Good to know!

    Lairs Of Romulus. and sometimes,
  • and sometimes,

  • yg17
    Apr 27, 08:57 AM
    Funny I had to prove my education credentials and proof of citizenship for 3 companies that extend offers.
    Is it really out of line for the president to furnish such information?

    Did I cross the the line of being a racist?

    Obama released his short form BC (the same BC any Hawaiian gets when they request a copy of their BC, and it's good enough to prove citizenship and get a passport) back before the election, and the birthers weren't happy. He proved his citizenship a long time ago.

    Lairs Of Romulus. the history of Romulus and
  • the history of Romulus and

  • Stridder44
    Aug 7, 04:14 PM
    ...You can also lock specific applications to specific Spaces, so you�ll always know where, say, Safari or Keynote is at all times.

    Do you realize how awesome this would be at work???

    Lairs Of Romulus. ROMULUS, Mich.
  • ROMULUS, Mich.

  • Koufax80
    Apr 25, 02:36 PM
    Maybe I'm missing something, but so what if they can tell what cell phone tower you're by??? Are you really so important/ secrative that someone knowing your location is that big of a deal?

    Lairs Of Romulus. CR Developments Romulus
  • CR Developments Romulus

  • Gatesbasher
    Mar 31, 08:26 PM
    This is where the Android "community" is going to split.

    The ones we've heard from today don't give a crap about "open" or "closed" or Google or anything else other than the fact that Android is not Apple and is stealing some sales from Apple. They'll defend whatever Google does, because all they want is a platform that's not by Apple to take over the mobile space.

    The true believers in the "open" propaganda, as ridiculous as it is and as untrue as it's always been, are probably still in a state of shock. By tomorrow they'll split into two warring camps. One will defend everything Google does because they perceive—wrongly of course—that Android is still in some indefinable way more open than iOS, and they'll blow that little invisible kernel of "openness" up until that's all they can see.

    The other camp will be viciously angry at Google's betrayal of the True Religion™ and will be flailing around for some other messiah to deliver them from the "Walled Garden" of Apple and now, Android. These are the people who were saying the other day that "Motorola could rot" with their own OS.

    Any suggestions on who the zealots will turn to in their hour of despair? I honestly can't think of a candidate, but then I'm not nuts—at least not that way.

    Lairs Of Romulus. nursed Romulus and Remus
  • nursed Romulus and Remus

  • ChrisA
    Aug 7, 06:25 PM
    It seems to me it would make some older versions available on your HD, but then you would want to make a copy to an external HD for space reasons and for backup in case of failure. But I'm just speculating of course

    I suspect what happens is you get to specifiy _where_ the backup copies are kept. I hear Steve say that it "could be either an external disk or a server". The "Or a server" part is the most interresting. That server could be in another building or even across the Internet. and then how is that server backed up???? I can imagine a small home system would use an external disk but a network of computers would share 2 or 3 backup servers with at least on of the backup servers in a remote location.

    Here in the office our big file server is kept sync'd of to two other servers that are each several hundred miles away. This protects against an Earthquake or building fire. This type of automated backup was not invented by Apple. It's been done for decades but it appears Apple has made is easy, cheap and universal.

    "Tinme Machine" would also have value even if there was only one disk on say a notebook. It would alow you to recover from the common problem where to make a bad edit and then saved your work and then the next day want to recover the version you maked four days ago. Now I simply make multiple copies that clutter of the folder but now Mac OSX would in effect back these for you. Then if you add an extrnal disk you are protected from a disk fairue then if you add a remote server you are protected from a house fire or theft of the system. I think it will be very configurable but have a reasonable out of the box configuration.

    Next I want to see if this is integrated with software RAID

    Lairs Of Romulus. The seedless Romulus from 1995
  • The seedless Romulus from 1995

  • spritelyjim
    Mar 26, 12:06 PM
    I really don't see the point of a display anywhere near 300DPI for a desktop or laptop.

    I'm a motion graphics designer, and I am constantly working in 1280x720 and 1920x1080. Which means if I want to look at what I do full-size, I no longer have any space on my screen. For editors and I, extra screens help, but what would also help, especially for those working on laptops, would be screens that can show full-size video without taking up all the screen real-estate.

    Lairs Of Romulus. Romulus and Remus.
  • Romulus and Remus.

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 11, 04:57 PM
    Checking email and Browsing the Internet is better on a bigger screen....Ability to open Office files, yes the iPhone does that well, but it's much better with a bigger screen.

    Ah, so most of the stuff on Android is "better" only because it's on a bigger screen? :rolleyes:

    So if Apple came out with a 6" iPhone, that would make it better than Android, right?

    Navigation system..using an Android you don't have to pay $70 (TomTom) for something which should've come with your device.

    And the navigation app I purchased houses all the map data on the device and doesn't rely on a data connection to operate. Unlike Android's stock navigation.

    What did Android release which was later than the iOS which defined a smartphone?

    Um, how about the entire OS?

    Yup, but not many people want to lug around a 10" tablet and would like the extra screen real estate on their phones. I know i would.

    There are also people (like me) who prefer not to carry something the size of an old-school Palm Pilot in their pocket.

    Lairs Of Romulus. nursing Romulus and Remus,
  • nursing Romulus and Remus,

  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 7, 10:49 PM
    Weird... I think there's more involved in this than we can imagine.

    One thing that comes to my mind is the possibility they were holding their stock to sell it outside the country, as there's been a high demand and higher value to sell overseas.

    Or... a competitor made an arrangement with Be$t Buy to sell a minimum quota a day (well... very odd, but possible) for who knows what reason.

    It's a strange concept on BB's part, but if I had a store I would sell all my stock if there's a demand for it. If I hold off, my customers would be driven away to a competitor and I would loose both present and future sales.

    Lairs Of Romulus. Lilith by Maximus Romulus
  • Lilith by Maximus Romulus

  • Macsterguy
    Mar 26, 04:47 PM

    Lairs Of Romulus. Romulus, and Taughannock
  • Romulus, and Taughannock

  • bibbz
    Jun 11, 08:25 AM
    Well that is pretty dumb of them to do that. Makes no difference whether the store does it or you send it in. You would think they would want you to take it into a store so an employee can see the product and make their judgement.

    Thats exactly it, we judge them honestly bc we can get in trouble if we say its a pristine condition phone to get you more money then send it in and its old and busted...

    I'm on a conf call and just got word about the early openings. As soon as i get to work in a minute ill post all the info i have. :)

    Lairs Of Romulus. nursing Romulus and Remus,
  • nursing Romulus and Remus,

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 12:30 PM
    ... Is Ford going to start asking for a share of the groceries I haul in the trunk?

    Alas, Ford is nearly bankrupt too.

    Lairs Of Romulus. ROMULUS, Mich.
  • ROMULUS, Mich.

  • roland.g
    Apr 6, 11:27 AM
    Yeah, but for alot of people as cool as the iPad 2 is, it still can't do alot of what they need to do on the road. I have the iPad 1 and it's great. My favorite way to surf the web hands down! HOWEVER...I like to edit HD movies from my csnon dslr and do some creative projects while traveling...and the iPad can't do it. When I heard the iPad 2 was going to get iMovie, I got excited, but when it was released, I found out that iMovie on the iPad 2 can ONLY edit movies shot on apple iOS devices(the iPad, iPod and iPhone)!! Nor can I use Photoshop, aperture, illustrator or anime studio pro on it.

    There are MANY creative people out there who love the MacBook air, but have been waiting for this update.

    I still love my original iPad, and travel with it everywhere. BUT I decided not to buy the new iPad 2 even if it has a camera and is faster....cause it's still a "closed" device, and can't do alot of the things I need to do on the road. Things the MacBook air CAN do.

    Heck, when I get one of the new MacBook airs...I may travel with BOTH it AND my iPad. Lol. They are slim enough and can both fit in my laptop sleeve in my knapsack and still weigh less than a 15" or 17" MacBook pro!

    I will get a new iMac when they are updated too for my workstation at home, since my G5 iMac is on it's last legs. Lol.

    And I am sure EVENTUALLY I will update my iPad. But for now I don't need to at all.

    I guess you have to do what you have to do on the road. Still a shame that you suffer running Photoshop, aperture, illustrator or anime studio pro, or edit HD video on a notebook, let alone an underpowered one. Both from a power and a screen aspect.

    I don't discount the fact that there are road warriors who need an MBA or other portable for work. Whether that is an office suite and email or actual video/photo production or anything in between. But while some people, especially of the lighter use group, will choose the MBA over the MBP in a 15" or 17" form factor, or even the 13" MBP, for their needs, the point was that the MBA borders on a consumption machine because of its weight, access, and limits in power. You can do workhorse projects on it, but will still suffer the slow rendering time. An MBA is perfectly suited to the business traveler who needs all the office capabilities but no significant power.

    Jul 20, 02:31 PM
    I'm not sure either and I shouldn't have made the assumption. I know Ableton and Cubase do as I've used both and I'm now an avid Ableton user. I'd imagine Logic will take full advantage sometime soon since it's now one of Apple's pro applications. It certainly makes sense considering how bogged down your system gets once you load enough virtual instruments and effects.

    I'm a Live user too. I wouldn't assume the forthcoming Live 6 supports more than two cores though.

    I agree about Logic and the multi core support. They should have done this for the G5 quads though (I hear the quad owners scream :) ).

    Edit: apparently Live 6 supports more than two cores/procs

    Apr 19, 04:47 PM
    Obsession can be positive or negative. Loving or hating a company is irrational.

    exactly. you proved my point. obsession over one company is more of a negative. i can't really see a positive as all you're doing is deepening the pockets of their richest shareholders without rationalizing if your favorite companies' product is actually mediocre.

    Jul 20, 04:47 PM
    I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but Kentsfield will not be appearing in any of the Pro machines for some time.

    Apple will be using them exclusively in the Xserves, at for the most part of 2007. This will finally give Apple another way to distinguish their server line from their pro line.

    Kentsfield is not really targeted as a server class chip, it is targeted towards single socket desktop/workstation systems. I doubt we will ever see it an Xserve system.

    Apple will likely use a single and dual Xeon 51xx (Woodcrest) in their Xserve systems possibly with the quad core Xeon a little farther down the road (aka Clovertown and later Tigerton).

    Review... roadmap (

    They both realize that these chips belong in real servers and also requires an OS that can support such chips.

    Mac OS X already can deal with quad core systems and can support more cores without any real issues.

    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    I love how Media and most everyone was asleep about this known issue, until just recently, and now it is some kind of emergency.

    I am not an Apple apologist by any means, but it is NOT their fault if people are not securely backing up, their personal and private data.

    Apple's only fault (IMHO) is not encrypting the location logfile on the phone, or the system with regards to backups. Regardless, security of data is the end user's responsibility, not the manufacturer of their computer or software.

    Apr 27, 03:04 PM
    Oh boy. Fivepoint, you wouldn't have happened to visit any such site, now would you?

    As stated earlier, which you conveniently ignored, I found the article on the Drudge Report. Am I not allowed to read the Drudge Report? Should I keep it exclusively to HuffPo in the future? I read them both, but you tell me how I should do it.

    So typical, focus on the messenger and not on the message. Your guys posts are so littered with red herrings and strawmen its almost beyond imagination.

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