The beautiful Celeb Angelina Jolie has been well known for her film acting and social activities all around the world.
Angelina's Profile
Born Name : Angelina Jolie Voight
Born Date : June 4, 1975
Birth Place : Los Angeles , California U.S.
Occupation : Film Actor
Spouse Name : Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thomton
Domestic Partner : Brad Pitt
First Debut film : Lookin' to Get Out (1982)
Anjelina well known and block buster movies
Cyborg (1993)
Anjelina well known and block buster movies
Cyborg (1993)
Hackers (leading role) (1995)
George wallace (biographical film)(1997)
Girl Interrupted (Academy award for best supporting actress)(1999)
Lara craft:Tomb raider (2001)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)(Action-comedy)
Kung Fu Panda (Animated film) (2008)
Celebs Award details
Golden Globe Awards - 3
Screen Actors Guild Awards - 2
Academy Awards - 1
Social Activities
Work with refugees as a Goodwill Ambassodar for United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR)